____. ___. __ _____ ________ | | ____\_ |__ |__| / | |\_____ \ | |/ _ \| __ \ | | / | |_/ ____/ /\__| ( <_> ) \_\ \ | | / ^ / \ \________|\____/|___ /\__| | \____ |\_______ \ \/\______| |__| \/
Demoparty Jobj42...
Now with real DemoCompo

Placeholder for my 42nd birthday party,
17-18-19th of February 2023
practical info you can find at the link details
Link to the address you can find at location
Info if you arrive by train
Where to park your car

✉ Jobj   ·   ✉ Niki   ·   wut   ·   who   ·   details   ·   arriving by train   ·   Park your car   ·   GoogleMaps   ·   OpenStreetmap

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